Pitfalls and methodological considerations in nutritional epidemiology
Aim and content
This course is free of charge for PhD students at Danish universities (except Copenhagen Business School), and for PhD Students from NorDoc member universities. All other participants must pay the course fee.
Anyone can apply for the course, but if you are not a PhD student at a Danish university, you will be placed on the waiting list until enrollment deadline. This also applies to PhD students from NorDoc member universities. After the enrollment deadline, available seats will be allocated to applicants on the waiting list. Learning objectives A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to: 1. understand diet reporting bias and consequences 2. understand methodological considerations related to measurement error, energy adjustment, nutrient substitution, and protein leverage 3. understand the principles and use of Mendelian randomization 4. understand methodological issues related to energy balance 5. apply directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) and graphical causal model theory Content The aim of the course is to provide PhD.-students with basic knowledge in the epidemiology of human nutrition with an introduction to more advanced methodologies within nutritional epidemiology; Correlated data, adjustment for total energy, correction for measurement error, bias, evaluation of diet intake and energy balance, biomarkers, molecular nutrition and diet and health.
Registration and informationhttps://phdcourses.ku.dk/DetailKursus.aspx?id=109668&sitepath=SUND Please register before 28 August 2022